Bringing Inspiration and Spiritual Teachings for Your Soul's Journey
Spiritual Channellings with

This is an ONLINE workshop. To attend this worlshop you will require a webcam and audio. You will be sent a link to the event via Email. It is easy to do. A simple click on the link will download some temporary software which you click on and it opens up the workshop. You will need to click on your video button when the software opens.

Online Place Rate £25
Calling all Enlightened Souls!
I'd love for you to join me and Scott Grant on the journey of self-love and selfless love, of kindness, bliss and joy for you and the world.
We would like to invite you to join us in a workshop for a day of joy and bliss working with Archangels, Seraphim, Ascended Masters, Orbs, Singing Bowls, Ascension planets and so many more wonderful beings of light to Awaken the Divine I AM Presence and to aid with the self-mastering of this connection.
The 12 Steps
Become a Grounded and Protected Master
Breaking down of the Old
Letting go of the old
Activate the Divine I AM within
Connect to the Divine Essence of who you are
Connect to the Archangels through the 5th dimensional aspect of your chakras
Awakening and Mastering Abundance Through Love
Opening the Gateway to Abundance by locating your spirit essence
Mastering the Higher Dimensions of the Heart to let go and trust without resistance
Connect the inner child to Mother Father God through the crystalline lotus
Anchoring your Divine I AM within the Human Self
Connecting to and working with the 12 Rays of light
Being the Divine Bliss and Joy of your I AM Presence
Accessing the Divine I AM golden qualities
Charging your Divine I AM Helix Bridge
We will ground you by anchoring you to hollow earth crystal pyramid; we will bring 5th, 7th and 12th dimensional protection; we will cleanse through invoking Archangel Gabriel, fire dragons, salamanders and unicorns and the golden silver violet flames and diamond light of transmutation; we will open you to receive and expand; we will support you to break down lower ego created 'stuff' held in each chakra using singing bowls and invoking the Archangels to support you to let go; we will invoke the Archangels to activate and awaken the Divine I AM within helping with the understanding and connection to the Divine Essence of who you are; we will help you to master the higher dimensions of the heart and help you to let go and trust without resistance to master abundance through love by locating your spirit essence; we will help you to anchor your Divine I AM within the human self by working with the Masters of the 12 Rays and to be the Divine bliss and joy of your I AM Presence through a global love meditation; accessing the Divine I AM golden qualities and charging your Divine I AM helix bridge.
This self-mastery and comprehension to do everything from a place of love is what is needed to return our wonderful existence and connection with Lady Gaia (our beautiful Mother Earth) to Golden once more.
Following this work shop the friendships formed will be deep and profound and help us all to continue on this journey of strengthening the Divine I AM within.